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Emmanuel Macron From Banker To President Of France

Emmanuel Macron: From Banker to President of France

Emmanuel Macron: A Profile

Early Life and Career

Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron was born on 21 December 1977 in Amiens, France. He studied philosophy at the University of Paris-Nanterre and then went on to complete a master's degree in public policy at the École nationale d'administration (ENA). After graduating from ENA, Macron worked as a civil servant in the French Ministry of Economy and Finance.

In 2008, Macron left the civil service to join the investment bank Rothschild & Co. He worked at Rothschild for four years, rising to the position of managing director.

Political Career

In 2012, Macron was appointed deputy secretary-general of the Élysée Palace, the official residence of the French president. He served in this role for two years.

In 2014, Macron was appointed Minister of Economy and Finance in the government of President François Hollande. He served in this role for two years.

In 2016, Macron launched his own political movement, En Marche! (Onwards!). He ran for president in the 2017 election and won in a runoff against Marine Le Pen. He was inaugurated as President of France on 14 May 2017.

As President, Macron has implemented a number of reforms, including tax cuts, labor market reforms, and pension reforms. He has also taken a number of steps to address climate change.
