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Emmanuel Macron News

Macron Dissolves French Parliament, Calls Snap Election

National Assembly to be disbanded after government's defeat

President seeks to regain majority for his reform agenda

French President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the country's parliament, the National Assembly, on Sunday and called a snap election following his party's crushing defeat at the polls.

Macron's centrist La République en Marche (LREM) party lost its majority in the National Assembly in the first round of legislative elections on Sunday, leaving him without a clear path to pass his reform agenda.

The dissolution of parliament will trigger a fresh election, which is likely to be held in June.

Macron is hoping that a snap election will give him a new mandate to implement his reform agenda, which includes tax cuts, labor market reforms, and a reduction in the size of the public sector.

However, Macron's opponents are likely to campaign on a platform of opposition to his reforms, and the election is likely to be closely contested.

France is facing a number of challenges, including rising inflation, a slowing economy, and the ongoing war in Ukraine. The outcome of the snap election will have a significant impact on the country's ability to address these challenges.
